Club Layouts

The club has several layouts in development and in operation. A short description of each is given below, with more information in the linked pages.  The layouts are grouped by scale. In addition, we have a non-scenic test track available for members who wish to test/run-in new stock.


Three Bridges – a 2mm finescale layout set in the welsh valleys and featuring double level track. Work paused whilst the group concentrate on finishing Three Points (the layout, not just finishing three points…they’re not that slow).

Didcot A Power Station – an N gauge representation of Didcot A power station recently given to the club by its original builders. Available for exhibition bookings.

Emsbury Park – now in private ownership.


Bishop’s Hill – an OO gauge layout currently in the earlier stages of construction. Conceived as something of a “training” layout for those members of the club wanting to get a bit more experience.

Carlisle Canal – a small OO layout based around the ex-NBR engine shed in Carlisle. Set in LNER days of the 1930s. Track down and main buildings in place.

East Dock – An LNER/LMS Dock layout in 4mm (EM) built by late club member Alan Goode, and now proudly maintained by the club. Available for exhibition bookings.

Leicester (Belgrave Road) – a large OO layout based on the Great Northern terminus at Leicester in the late 50s/early 60s. Featured in Hornby magazine, July 2017. This layout is complete, and usually set-up for operation in the club rooms. It is available for exhibition bookings.

Pentre Road – a continuous-run finescale OO layout based based on the North and West Route shared GWR/LMS secondary mainline in the 1930s. Built using MERG components extensively, and designed to allow DCC or DC operation. Under construction, start of scenery.

Thomas and Friends Junior Playground – a double-loop layout inspired by the ever-popular Thomas the Tank Engine. Designed to be operated by children at exhibitions, with a controller for each line. The layout makes regular appearances at our exhibitions.


Edgeholme Quarry – an O16.5 industrial narrow-gauge shunting layout. Acquired by the club from a private builder in 2016, it’s now upgraded to DCC, and available for exhibition bookings.

Three Points – a 7mm layout based on a standard-gauge/narrow-gauge exchange sidings. Currently under construction, with an aim of being ready for exhibitions in 2021.