Edgeholme Quarry

‘Edgeholme Quarry’ is an O16.5 layout. It was acquired by ADMRC in March 2016, following an enquiry to one of our members at Abrail 2016. The then owner offered it to the Club as an alternative to taking it to the local rubbish tip. Though essentially a shunting plank it was clear that the modelling was of some quality and the layout was adopted to provide a 7mm scale narrow gauge interest for members.

Legs units were built for the baseboards to produce a 7mm scale narrow gauge industrial exhibition layout of dimensions 400 x 2400mm. Though originally designed for analogue control, it is now operated with DCC control and a variety of small wagons and v-tippers are shunted by small locos, typical of an industrial environment.

Exhibition information

ADMRC is delighted to be able to keep this lovely layout on the exhibition circuit. If you are interested in having it at your exhibition, please contact the club. Some basic information for exhibition organisers:

Size 2.4 x 0.4 m
Space needed 2.5 x 1.5 m
Operators 2
